Tuesday 9 October 2012

First Aid - A Visit From The School Nurses

As part of our Health and Wellbeing this term we have been learning some basic first aid.  The school nurse Vicky Anderson and support worker Julie Leitch came in to talk to us about first aid and then we got to have a go at wrapping each other up in bandages!

We learned what is kept in a first aid bag and what first aid to carry out for a nosebleed, a burn, a cut and if someone faints.

 Julie showed Courtney how to put on a head bandage firmly.

                                          It's great fun when nobody's actually hurt or in pain!

                                        Vicky said a burn needs to run under cold water for 10
                                       minutes.  We set this on the timer - it seemed like a long time!
                                       She showed us then how to wrap it in cling film or bandages.

                                        If you have a deep cut put on a bandage and apply pressure
                                         to the wound.  If blood comes through it never remove it.
                                                          Put another bandage on the top.

                                         Time for Kate to add to her bandages rather than
                                          removing them for clean ones.

                                         If an object gets stuck in the body, leave it and wrap
                                         something around it to stable it.  Never attempt to
                                         remove it and go straight to the hospital.

                                          Vicky demonstrates how she has made the object
                                           stable by wrapping bandages around it.


                                        Learning how to put on a sling - it's easier than it looks!

                                         Demonstrating how to put someone in the recovery

                                         Always make sure you're not in danger and then check
                                         the person is breathing before putting in the recovery

                                                                   Well done Keira!

                                             Callum makes sure Greig is well looked after!

                                         We all got a go at putting someone in the recovery
                                          position. Being able to do this could save someone's

                                         Looks like an expert put on that sling Luke!

                                             We had great fun at the table of bandages!

                                            "Which way around does the triangle go?"
                                           Aidan's sling doesn't look particularly comfortable!

                                         Oh dear - try and leave them a free hand so they can
                                         do some maths James!

Thanks so much for coming in to teach us about First Aid Vicky and Julie!


  1. Well done guys. I'll know where to come if I ever hurt myself.

  2. james and Zoe you look like professionals! I think Vicky could be out of a job!

  3. Wow! That looked like a very interesting and enjoyable lesson. Mrs Muir

  4. Excellent bandaging! The teachers had a go at this in the holidays too!
