Wednesday 3 October 2012

Visit to the Ayre Hotel

On Wednesday 26th we went out again!

This time we were going across the Peedie Sea to the Ayre Hotel.

We had a great time there and loved the rooms. The beds looked so comfortable!

The highlight for many of the children was getting to go in the lift!

We learned that the Ayre Hotel is the largest hotel in Orkney.


  1. Looks like you've had lots of fun trips and learned lots of interesting things about Orkney! From Lorna (Zoe's mum)

  2. Idid not know the Ayre Hotel was the biggest hotel in Kirkwall - always learning something new !

    Gillian Brown
    (Aidan's Mum)

  3. You've been on lots of great visits this term. It's so much more fun to learn from real life.
